Daily archives: 16. November 2016

This C library describes the control of the 16-channel AD converter MAX11131 via SPI with a microcontroller of the MSP430 series. The MSP43F5359 is used as a microcontroller and the IAR Embedded Workbench is used as a development environment. Downloads Download ad-wandler-max111xx-lib Short description MAX11131 The MAX11131 ad converter has […]

MAX11131 library

This C library describes the control of FM25L04 via SPI FRAM memory with a micro-controller of the MSP430 series. As a microcontroller, the MSP43F5359 is used as a development environment the IAR Embedded Workbench. Downloads FRAM-c-library.zip Short description of the FM25L04 library The FRAM FM25L04 has write and read commands and […]

FM25L04 Library